- Availability
- The ability of a service (or component) to perform its intended function ie. a kettle is considered available when it is plugged in and ready to boil.
- Business Continuity Plan
- A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a predefined approach to recovery from potential disruptions to a company. The plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected and are able to recovery and function in the event of a disaster.
- Change
- The addition, modification, or removal of any component that could have a direct or indirect effect on services. Changes are formally managed through the Change Management process.
- Change Request
- A Change Request is a formal proposal to modify a service, application or infrastructure.
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a subset of the Business Continuity Plan. It focuses on ensuring that IT-related services and infrastructure is designed and deployed in such a way that it is resilient in the face of significant outages.
- Event
- A change of state of an IT Service or component. There are three types of events: Information, Warning and Exception.
- Exception Event
- An Exception Event is a recorded condition that indicates an error and may require diagnosis and repair.
- Incident
- An Incident is an unplanned disruption of service. Incidents are formally managed through the Incident Management process.
- Incident Management
- Incident Management is a Service Management best-practice which focuses on the full lifecycle of an incident.
- Information Event
- An Information Event is a recorded condition that indicates a change of state, but does not require any further action.
- Non-Standard Change
- A Non-Standard Change (ITIL refers to this as a Normal Change) is a type of one-time change where the dependencies and impact are not fully understood and is thus considered high risk.
- Normal Change
- See Non-Standard Change.
- Organisational Change Management
- Organisational Change Management (OCM) is a leadership competency to lead an organisation through a potentially disruptive change.
- Priority
- A quality of being more important, or taking precedence.
- Privacy
- Privacy is the state of being free from any intrusion into one’s personal life. It is also considered a human right.
- Service
- – A service is a supported facility (Unified Service Management)
– A means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks (ITIL Framework)
- Service Provider
- A Service Provider is an organisational unit which is made up of People, Processes and Technology, and is focused on delivering services to a customer.
- Standard Change
- A Standard Change is a repeatable type of Change where the effort and impact of the modification is understood, and is thus considered low risk. Examples include: upgrading a desktop computer, installing an approved application, or clearing the transaction log on a database.